Praise the Lord for His Work!

God continues to move in a beautiful way through our speaking ministry. Here are the highlights from August and September:

Pure Life Ministries- Dry Ridge, Kentucky

I had the opportunity to minister in three services at Pure Life Ministries Residential Chapel over the last two months.

First Service: I preached a message about about the crucifixion of Jesus. In it, I shared about the horrible death penalty that Jesus endured in His final hours on the earth. I also shared about five aspects of His character that are displayed in the crucifixion story. A powerful time of worship and exaltation concluded the message as we praised the Lord for His goodness.


Second Service: My message was titled, “Worthy is the Lamb,” and it referenced John’s vision in Revelation 5 of the Lamb who was worthy to open the scroll. I challenged the men to consider the worthiness of Christ. We talked about how Jesus is worthy to receive the reward of His suffering, because He died to rescue sinners and purchase them for God. At the end, we had a powerful time of worship together as we declared His worth.


Third Service: I spoke on a Wednesday night about the person and working of the Holy Spirit. These nights are an opportunity for the students, who come from a variety of denominational backgrounds, to hear teaching on the baptism in the Holy Spirit and to have an extended time of seeking after the Lord. After the teaching, I opened the altars, and many men came seeking the Lord. We had a time of prayer, laid hands on the men, and believed the Lord to touch them in a tangible way. It was a beautiful time of seeking after the person of the Holy Spirit.


Family Church- West Carrollton, Ohio

We had a wonderful time together with the congregation of Family Church. I spoke a message about keeping the fire of God burning in our lives and refusing to allow all that is happening around us to keep us from our intimacy with the Lord. In modern day America, there are seemingly unlimited things that can distract us on a daily basis. It is only those believers who make an intentional decision to press into the Lord, often sacrificing comfort and convenience, who will be able to keep the fire of God burning brightly. Several came forward for prayer. One man felt that the Lord touched him physically during the time of prayer for his healing. God is so good.


Snack Cart Outreach- Dayton and Columbus

We had the opportunity to do street evangelism in the cities of Columbus and Dayton in Ohio. The Lord continues to use the snack cart to attract people and provide a chance for us to engage them with the Gospel. Along with snacks, people are offered prayer and a conversation about Jesus as well as one of our Roman’s Road Cards and a copy of the Gospels.

We teamed up with The Covering Women’s Ministry and met up outside of Columbus. The area we went is known for its drugs, crime and prostitution. In fact, we went to minister to the employees of a gas station, and they had a man come in just before we got there to try to rob the store with a knife. We ministered to many women who were selling their bodies on the streets. A group of people on the side of a building were preparing to shoot up drugs right in front of us as we shared Jesus with them and asked the Holy Spirit to open their eyes. It was heartbreaking to witness the bondage that so many were walking in. Our team was made up of people with similar backgrounds, so we were able to relate to them and shared our testimonies as people were willing to listen. Please pray specifically for the ladies that we met who received an information card about The Covering, where they can go to get a fresh start if they choose. Sadly, some of the women, when asked, “Are you ready to get out of this lifestyle,” said “Not yet.”  (for more info about The Covering, please visit https://www.thecovering686.org/)

In Dayton, a group of men got together to minister on the streets. We handed out about 40 Gospel books and prayed for many needs. One woman we spoke with said she was backslidden and I had a chance to share my story with her about my own falling away. Two men in particular were very interested in hearing more about the Gospel. One of them said he believed there could be a God but had prayed for many people in his life and they had all died. I encouraged him that God wants a personal relationship with him and that we cannot always understand why things like that happen.

As we were ministering to people at the spot where we had set up, suddenly people stopped coming to us. We figured it must be time to head back to the parking lot. Outside of the parking garage, we met two young teen boys. After talking with them, they were very interested in speaking about Jesus. When I asked if they had ever had a time when they really chose to surrender to Christ, they said they had not. I asked if they wanted to pray to invite Christ to be Lord and Savior of their lives, and they said yes. They prayed a sincere prayer, and we encouraged them to tell a pastor in their community about the decision they had made. As we headed back to the van, one of the team members mentioned that we would never have met those boys at the right time if more people were coming to the cart where we were. It was amazing to see how the Holy Spirit orchestrated things for the sake of the souls of those two teens.


Miamisburg Assembly of God- Miamisburg, Ohio

The Lord gave me a specific message that I felt I needed to deliver to our home church. It was a heavy message based on the story of Lot and his wife about separating from the world. Everywhere I go, I see how the world system has infiltrated the church through the lives of Christians, yet many cannot see it because it is all they have ever known. When I gave the call to respond, many people came forward to cry out to the Lord for more of His presence in their lives. For several days afterward, I was contacted by many people in the service who had been convicted about their connection with the world and were making tangible steps toward more holiness. I’m so grateful for the anointing and timing of the Holy Spirit.


Breaking Free Service- Miamisburg, Ohio

Pastor Chuck Sharp and I decided that we wanted to have a service focused on getting free from bondages. We had a service on a Friday evening, starting with a dinner, and then worship and the Word. I preached a message about Jesus’ encounter with two people: the demon-possessed man in the region of the Gadarenes (Matt 8) and the woman caught in adultery (John 8). When Jesus came into contact with people in bondage, He reacted by setting them free. And that is His desire for each of us. When I gave an altar call for salvation, nearly ten of the people stood to make a commitment to Christ, including some young students. We had a time of prayer over people, believing them to experience a greater degree of freedom in their lives. It was a great night of ministry.


Radiant Life Men’s Breakfast- Plain City, Ohio

I met some of the men from Radiant Life Church in Dublin, Ohio at the Der Dutchmen Restaurant in Plain City. After breakfast, I shared on the topic of purity for men. After giving my testimony, I gave them several practical principles that can either help them walk in greater purity, or that they can use to help other men get free. I believe that God is calling the men of this generation to join forces to help men get free from the clutches of sexual sin. We had a great time of prayer, and the presence of the Holy Spirit was evident.


Time Apart Women’s Conference- Marengo, Ohio

Brittany was asked to speak at one of the breakout sessions for a state-wide women’s event called Time Apart. She shared a message about walking in faith when experiencing trials. As a backdrop, she shared her side of our story and gave principles that she learned about how to cling to God even when life throws things at us we are not expecting. It was a great event, and it was a blessing that she was able to be a part of the ministry there.


Lighthouse on the Rock- Dry Ridge, Ohio

We had a sweet move of the Spirit at Lighthouse on the Rock Church. This church had me speak on the first Sunday that I launched out in 2023. It was amazing to be able to share all that has happened since my first visit. I spoke a message about the supreme importance of seeking the presence of God in our lives above all other things. As I closed the message, I encouraged the people to cry out to the Lord like no one else was in the room and many did so with desperation. As people began to respond, the presence of God filled the room and many souls cried out for more of Him. After a time of seeking the Lord, I felt led to invite all the children in the room to come forward, and we laid hands on them and believed God to make them passionate pursuers of God in their generation. What an amazing God we serve!


To each of you reading these words, you prayers and support are so vital and appreciated. You are an essential part of what God is doing through Make Way Ministries and we cannot say thank you enough. If you are not receiving updates via email, please go to the sign up form at the bottom of this page and enter your information to join our email list.

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