God has been so faithful!
It has been so encouraging to see how the Lord is continuing to open doors and anoint our speaking ministry everywhere we go. Here are the highlights for the months of June and July:
Calvary Assembly of God- Willoughby Hills, Ohio
We had an amazing service with Pastor Dan and his congregation at Calvary AG. I spoke in the Sunday morning service and preached a message about seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit. We had a great altar response as people came forward to cry out to the Lord for more of His presence. Several people requested prayer for specific needs in their lives. It was a blessing to be with people who are hungry for more of God. I believe He stirred many hearts that morning.
Seek the Spirit Event- Avon, Ohio
I was invited to speak at a regional Seek the Spirit Event held at Christian Heritage Assembly of God in Avon. Several churches from across northern Ohio were represented in the service. After a rich time of worship and prayer, I shared a message about the person and power of the Holy Spirit. The altars were filled with many people seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit as well as for a fresh touch from Heaven. Many were touched in a significant way and the presence of the Lord was very evident in the service.
Grace Hope Church- Xenia, Ohio
We had a great time in the Lord with Pastor Matt and the congregation of Grace Hope Church in Xenia. I shared a message about the importance of keeping our passion for the Lord alive and intact. Several people came forward for prayer for physical needs in their bodies. One woman in particular experienced a healing touch from God as the arthritic pain in her hands went away as we prayed. Several were noticeably moved by the presence of the Holy Spirit as we gathered around them and prayed for miracles in their lives. It was a fruitful morning of ministry and I was grateful for what the Lord accomplished.
International Ministry Trip to Macedonia
This June, I went on a ministry trip to Macedonia for the first time in fourteen years. This is the country where my wife and I served as missionaries in 2009-2010. The Lord did a beautiful work through the ministry in several cities where we traveled. I wrote a detailed article sharing what God did throughout the trip along with pictures and a vlog. You can read it on our website here.
Ohio Ministry Network’s Family Camp- Marengo, Ohio
I was invited to preach at the Family Camp for the Ohio Assemblies of God. I was one of three speakers that took part in the event, along with Pastor Josh Plaisance and Evangelist Ryan Young. It was a powerful week of ministry to all ages. I shared a message with the youth who attended the camp about how to practically share their faith. We had a time of discussion where the students had a chance to tell the group how they share the love of Christ with other young people in their school setting. Afterwards, we had a time of praying for the Holy Spirit to touch and anoint these young people to release what is inside of them into the world around them. It was a special time of ministry and the Holy Spirit moved in our midst.
I also ministered in one of the services with the adults and talked about developing an evangelistic lifestyle. I shared practical principles about how to find opportunities to share Jesus with people in everyday settings. I gave many examples from my own life of how the Lord has opened doors to share His love and speak about the Gospel to people. In the final service, the youth prayed over all of the adults and the presence of God was with us in a special way. The whole week was amazing as God moved in the lives of the families who attended.
Pure Life Ministries Residential Chapel- Dry Ridge, Kentucky
I am grateful to continue to serve on the speaking team at Pure Life Ministries. In July, I preached a message called “The Danger of Open Doors”. The message was based on the story of Judas and his tragic suicidal ending. As I studied the life of this fascinating disciple, several important principles were revealed to me. It was a sober warning about allowing the devil to have a place in our hearts.
Calloway Assembly of God- Panama City, Florida
It was such a privilege to be with our good friends, Pastor Tim and Cinthia at Calloway AG in Panama City. The last time I spoke at their church was almost eight years ago, just a couple months before a hurricane hit the coast and severely damaged their property. To be able to see the new building, and hear the story of how the Lord got them through that difficult season was inspiring. We had a great service as the Holy Spirit anointed my message on the priority of the presence of God in our lives. Several people were touched at the altar and the Lord was faithful to do what only He could do.
Snack Cart Outreach- Dayton, Ohio
The Lord gave me the inspiration to assemble an evangelistic cart to take on outreaches for local ministry. One of my board members and I went to downtown Dayton to take the cart out for the first time. We handed out 41 copies of the Gospels along with even more of our ministry Romans Road cards. We had the opportunity to share testimony and the Gospel with many people as well as pray for a variety of needs. We had the chance to minister to a Satanist, a group of people smoking marijuana on the street corner, a man begging on the roadside, and many others in need of Christ. It was encouraging to see a vision come to fruition and I look forward to seeing how the Lord uses it in the future.
First Assembly of God- Massillon, Ohio
I preached in two Sunday services with Pastor Jeremy and the great congregation of First Assembly of God in Massillon. In the morning service, I preached about the significance of the blood of Jesus, with an emphasis on the amazing benefits we can access because of His shed blood. One young woman responded to the call for salvation and several came forward to be prayed for. The presence of the Lord was there in a tangible way.
In the evening service, I spoke about the need to develop a Pentecostal lifestyle. I spoke about the experience in Acts 2 and how it impacted the lives of the early church outside of the prayer meeting. We prayed for everyone in the service, and many were touched in a significant way. We then gathered together to pray for Pastor Jeremy and his wife, and they in turn prayed for our ministry. It was a special time of seeking the Lord and the whole day was a great opportunity for us to be stirred up in our spirits for more of Him in our lives.
God has been so good as we preach the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit stateside and around the world. We are so grateful for all of you who continue to remember us in your prayers and in your financial support. If you would like to connect with us for prayer requests, to book a service, or to donate, you can do so right here on our website. Can’t wait to see what God has in store in the next couple of months!
An overseas trip I will never forget…
I traveled to the country of Macedonia in Southeastern Europe for a ministry trip in June. While I have had the opportunity to travel to many nations over the last several years, this trip was especially significant for me. That is because my wife and I lived as missionaries in Macedonia back in 2010 for nearly a year and a half. For those who know my story, they will be familiar with the fact that our term there ended prematurely due to my confession of sin, leading me several months later to Pure Life Ministries in Kentucky. While I have kept in touch with some of our Macedonian friends over the years, I have not been back into the country until this trip.
I landed in Skopje, and was hosted by Assembly of God world missionaries Tim and Elle Bentley. It was amazing to get to know them better and see firsthand the incredible impact they are having in the country. If you are interested to learn more about a ministry doing fruitful work in that part of the world, I highly recommend connecting with the Bentleys’ ministry by going to this link.
One thing that was very interesting on this trip was how much of the Macedonian language came back to me by being immersed in the culture again. I had not spoken it for almost 14 years, and yet, when I landed in the country, most of what I had learned years ago came back with clarity. And I was even more surprised at how much I was able to understand after all that time had passed. In fact, I understood almost every conversation that took place around me enough to pick up the context of what was being shared.
Ministry in Strumica
My first service was in a church in Strumica. Reconnecting with Pastor Tony and his wife was a rich blessing. Before the service, he took us to see the new church building that they have been praying to complete for many years. In fact, the project had been sitting idly for some time, waiting for funding to come in. However, recently, they have been able to do a lot of work to it, and he was very encouraged with how the project is moving forward. It will be a great facility once it is finished, where the Evangelska Crkva in Strumica can flourish.
Pastor Tony shared with me many of the challenges that the church has experienced over the last several years, something that was reiterated several times by other leaders throughout the trip. In a country with strong Orthodox roots, and also a large presence of Islam, ministry for the chuch can be challenging. The evangelical churches are seen as a cult by the Orthodox churches and as a competing religion by the Muslims. This creates difficult soil for the churches that preach that people must be born again and have a true relationship with God through Jesus Christ. However, on top of that, the evangelical churches have experienced a very difficult season as three additional challenges have come their way over the last several years.
First, their president, Pastor Mirche, passed away, leaving a vacuum of leadership that needed to be filled. Second, many never returned to the churches due to the pandemic after getting out of the habit of being in church (an issue not unique to Macedonia). Third, due to the economic conditions in the country, many young adults have moved away to other parts of Europe and the world because they are able to make much more income outside of Macedonia. This has left a large gap in generations, as young families who were very involved in the churches have left the country for better opportunities. So, please remember the churches in Macedonia in your prayers. We are believing God for a move of the Holy Spirit that brings revival and a harvest of Macedonian souls.
In the service in Strumica, I shared my testimony and spoke a message about protecting the passion of God in our hearts. I spoke specifically on discouragement and how the enemy seeks to use it to wear us down. One young lady in the congregation came to me afterwards and was very moved by my testimony and the message. She said she was overwhelmed at my transparency and was very encouraged by what I had shared.
The next day, I was able to be a part of a homeless feeding program called Retweet a Meal in Skopje. This ministry cooks meals every Friday to be delivered to a place in the city where people are living in great need. We teamed up with a couple from France and prepared the meals that would be delivered by the ministry later that day. It is great to see the Body of Christ teaming up together to meet the practical needs of people in the country.
Ministry in Kavadarci
We had a joint service in the city of Kavadarci with the congregations from the Evangelska Crkva of Kavardarci and Negotino. Pastor Goran is the pastor of both of these congregations, and he was one of the pastors that Brittany and I worked most closely with when we were missionaries. It was a blessed time reconnecting with him and his wife, Daniella and their family. I had an opportunity to sit down with them and share the story of what the Lord has done since I left Macedonia in 2010. They were very encouraged to hear what had taken place and very encouraging toward me. It is amazing how I could be gone for so long, and yet, sitting in their living room after all of these years, it felt like I had never left. That’s one beautiful thing about the Body of Christ. Though we may be apart physically, our spiritual connection never leaves.
I shared some of my story that night in Kavadarci. There were several that I knew from my time in 2010, and others that I met for the first time. I also preached a message from the story of Achan from the book of Joshua, using my own story to illustrate what happens when we do not walk in the light as Christians. We had a time of response at the end and several acknowledged that the Holy Spirit was speaking to them through the message and asked for prayer about issues in their lives. It was a great service and the presence of the Lord was evident.
Ministry in Prilip/ Time in Bitola
We ministered for two days in the city of Prilip. As we were traveling to the city, I mentioned to Tim that I know I had been to Prilip when we lived in the country, but I couldn’t remember for sure what we did there. We got to the church where I would be ministering and when we met Pastor Edian and his wife, I recognized them. I looked at the church building and thought it looked familiar. Then, I remembered that I had been a part of hosting a missions team to help build that church. I went inside and on the wall was a photo of the team that helped build the church hanging on the wall, and it was the team that I had helped host. It was a really cool connection and the pastor was very excited about it.
That evening, we had a small conference with two sessions on the topic of obedience. Tim translated the messages for me. The first message was about the calling of the original disciples and how Jesus’ expectation of discipleship should impact the lives of believers today. In the second session, I used the life of King Solomon to illustrate what it looks like when we do not obey the voice of the Lord. Pastor Edian was very happy about the teachings and the people were very appreciative.
That evening, we spent in the nearby city of Bitola at the Evangelska Crkva there. The next day, I had the opportunity to meet Pastor Josef and his family and to hear how the Lord was working in Bitola, specifically through the building of relationships through Alpha Course. He shared a powerful testimony of a Muslim who had come to Christ and been water baptized as a result of the classes they offered.
That evening, we headed back to Prilip to a local coffee shop that we rented out to offer a teaching on addiction to anyone in the community who was interested in the topic. Earlier that day, I shared with Tim that I felt a spiritual fight in my spirit while preparing for that night. What we hadn’t realized was that that it was a Muslim holiday celebrating the beginning of Ramadan. The coffee shop was just about a block away from the local mosque, and the streets were filled with people joining in the festivities. It was quite a different spiritual atmosphere in the coffee shop than what was happening just outside.
I shared my story of battling with addiction and also declared that Jesus is the way to find freedom from demonic bondage, sin and all addictions. Though there were a handful of people who showed up, one young man in particular felt that it had been orchestrated just for him. We had a chance to sit down with him afterwards and hear about the things he was struggling with, and he felt the Lord used that night to help him to learn to walk in greater freedom. Another man shared with us about the demonic practices he had been a part of in the past and that he was trying to get free and live for Christ. We prayed with both of these men individually and I believe the Lord spoke to their hearts in a significant way that night.
Afterwards, we went out to eat with Pastor Edian and he shared his incredible testimony of growing up in a nominal Muslim family, and how the Lord used people in his life to slowly open his heart to the Gospel and eventually get saved and water baptized. Now, he is leading a church and preaching Jesus to anyone who will listen. What a mighty God we serve!
Ministry in Skopje
Sunday morning, I had the opportunity to speak at the main Evangelska Crkva in Skopje. This congregation is now pastored by a friend of ours named Stole. When we were in the country, Pastor Mirche was the leader of the church in the capital city as well as the Evangelical movement. However, his passing has been one of the challenges the church has had to navigate over the last couple of years. It was a great joy to see Pastor Mirche’s wife and talk with her and one of their daughters after the service. And there were many others who we knew personally that I was able to connect with that morning.
I shared my testimony with the church, repenting to them and asking their forgiveness for my failure to practice what I preached when I lived among them. Then, I shared a message about seeking the presence of God above all other endeavors in our lives. Afterwards, Pastor Stole came up and spoke to me publicly, saying they forgive me and that the door to Macedonia will always be open to us. Sharing publicly about one’s failures is something that is not normal in a shame-based culture. So, by doing it, I was modeling something that I believe had a significant impact on the people in the service. It was a very special moment, and I was very grateful for how the Holy Spirit moved in the service. Several came to me afterwards and spoke about how my testimony and the message had impacted them.
That evening, we went back to the same building to preach at the International Church that meets there on Sunday nights. Pastor Marino, a friend of ours from the past, is now pastoring this congregation, made up of people who speak English and are in Macedonia for a variety of reasons including ministry, military and business. I felt led to share about the story of the two sons from the parable in Luke 15. I spoke about the prodigal son who ran away, but also the older brother who stayed in the father’s house, but still did not have intimacy with the father. I encouraged everyone to search their hearts to determine if they are truly walking in relationship with the Lord, or if they can relate in some way to either of the sons in the story. It was a great time to connect with these believers and make some new friends.
Ministry in Gevgelija
We held a men’s conference at the Royal Ranger’s campground in Gevgelija. Men from several churches traveled to the camp for our time together. We opened with a couple of worship songs and I spoke about the topic of purity for men. I was told that this was not typically spoken about openly in the Macedonian church, but my own experience speaking in many places in the world has taught me that this is an issue that transcends culture. Several men expressed their gratitude for the way I candidly shared about this common struggle. After the message, we broke the men into discussion groups to talk about sexual purity, and there were a lot of great conversations taking place.
After that, we had some outdoor games for the men to take part in. We also went swimming in the river that runs along the property. The campground is on a beautiful property. After a great meal together, we headed back to Skopje. I believe the Lord used this to spur the men to greater holiness in their lives and to encourage them to develop accountability relationships with other men. One of the young men who attended, Vlatko, was a part of our youth group in Negotino, so it was great to see him again after all of these years.
The Final Two Days
The next day, we travelled down to the city of Struga with the new president of the Evangelical movement, Pastor Pieter. It was a blessing to have a chance to get to know him on a deeper level, and to hear about how the Lord has helped him settle into his new role. We visited several places to secure a location for a pastor’s conference that will be held this September.
While we were there, we were able to visit the Evangelska Crkva in Struga and meet Pastor Emil and Pastor Robert, who ministers in Radovich. Each of them had been saved out of heavy drug addiction through the ministry of Pastor Pieter in Stip. I had a chance to hear their testimonies and learn more about how the Lord is working in that area of the country. It was a great time of fellowship and building connections with the current pastors in the country.
The following day, I had a chance to reconnect with Igor, one of our Macedonian language teachers and friend, who is now serving at a church in the capital city. It was a joy to hear how the Lord has directed his life and provided a wife and kids to serve in the ministry together.
We also spent some time with a good friend, Zivko, who is pastoring another Evangelska Crkva in Skopje, planted a few years ago. Their church has an amazing worship team, and his wife, Fani, is involved with recording Macedonian worship music. It was a blessing to see him again and to catch up on how the Lord has grown the church plant and faithfully provided for them.
My final meeting was with Svetlana, a great sister in the Lord, who also translated for me on Sunday morning. She invited us to come to the pregnancy center that she leads in the capital city called Lydia. We sat down and had a chance to hear many testimonies of how the Lord is using that center to convince women to keep their children instead of choosing abortion. Svetlana has the opportunity to travel all over Europe and the world sharing about the work that they do. Something I found particularly interesting is that in Macedonia, the average woman seeking abortion is not a single mother or a teenager in distress, as we might expect in the US. Many of the women they minister to actually have children already, but due to the economic pressures in the country, they feel they cannot properly take care of another child in the home, so abortion becomes an option. I was so blessed to learn about the work they are doing to reach these mothers and try to help them make a decision for life. To find out more about this ministry, please go here.
Overall Thoughts
This trip was above and beyond anything I could have asked the Lord for. When we left Macedonia in 2010, it was abrupt, and I never had a chance to explain or say goodbye to many in the country. We assumed that word had gotten out over the years and that most of the leaders had an understanding of what took place. But I found out when I arrived on this trip, that was not the case. They only knew something had transpired and that we needed to leave quickly. So, this trip gave me the opportunity to fill in the gaps of my story, repent and ask forgiveness and share about the incredible mercy of God in my life. It was a vivid illustration of the restoration power of the Holy Spirit.
As I walked the same city streets on my prayer walks during the trip, the difference between what my life is like now was on hi-definition display. And to come back to the same place and walk the streets in freedom must have been powerful in the spiritual realm. I felt the enemy was probably cringing with every service that I preached. To God be the glory!
I also felt a deep burden for the people of Macedonia. The Lord has a plan to reach those in the country who do not know Jesus personally and I believe He is going to move in a powerful way. Please pray for the churches in the country, that God will send refreshing and revival, that pours out of the church and transforms the nation for Jesus Christ.
I’m super grateful for each of you who took the time to pray and sacrificed in finances to make this trip happen. You are such an integral part of what the Lord accomplished. Thank you for being a part of the trip. I also recorded a six part series of short vlogs about the events of the trip. You can watch it here:
The Holy Spirit is moving!
Here are the highlights from our speaking ministry for the months of April and May:
Leading Worship at Bethel Christian Assembly of God- Beavercreek, Ohio
What a privilege it was to be invited to lead worship in Beavercreek, Ohio at Bethel Christian Assembly of God. I seldom lead worship in this season of ministry, and to have the opportunity to lead with my oldest daughter, Abigail, made it even more special. As I was thinking about the service, it came to me how merciful the Lord has been to restore our family and allow me to minister with my daughter, who was less than a year old when I went to Pure Life Ministries Residential Program. How great the Lord has been, and His presence was with us during the worship time that morning in a special way.
First Assembly of God- Xenia, Ohio
I had the opportunity to preach to the wonderful congregation at Xenia First Assembly of God this April. This is the church that my wife and her family attended for many years when she was growing up. It’s located in a beautiful, historic building in downtown Xenia. Pastor Kevin and Lisa welcomed us warmly and led us into the presence of God through worship. I spoke about the significance of the blood of Jesus and we took communion together at the end of the message. It was a great service and we were grateful to see some old friends, and make some new ones.
Englewood Christian Assembly of God- Englewood, Ohio
I preached two services with Pastors Tim and Lisa Scarborough at Englewood Christian Assembly of God. In the morning, I spoke about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the need for us to make this gift a part of our daily lives. Several came forward to seek the baptism, and others for a fresh touch from God. That evening, I spoke about the need to press into the presence of God like never before. His presence was in the service in a tangible way. At the end of the message, we gathered together as a group and had a time of activating the spiritual gifts. Many had words of exhortation and encouragement to share. It was a great Sunday in Englewood!
Pure Life Ministries Annual Conference- The Ark Encounter
I was invited to minister at Pure Life Ministries’ Annual Conference at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky. It was a powerful conference, and the Lord worked in the lives of so many attendees, including myself. I have an article dedicated to the details of that event, including the video link for the conference message I preached called, “The Truth About Deception”. You can read that article on our website here.
Miamisburg Assembly of God- Miamisburg, Ohio
My wife, Brittany, was invited to preach the Mother’s Day service at our home church, Miamisburg Assembly of God. She is an important part of our ministry, and much of what she does is behind the scenes. It was a blessing to hear her speak and use her gift of communication to minister the Word. She spoke about Moses’ mother, Jochebed, and gave several points from her life on how to raise kids as a godly mother. It was a great service and we were all challenged to raise our kids according to the ways of God.
Pure Life Ministries Residential Chapel- Dry Ridge, Kentucky
I travelled to Pure Life Ministries to speak on campus three times in April-May:
First Service- I preached a message about communion called “His Broken Body and Shed Blood.” The message came from the story of Jesus instituting the Lord’s supper in Matthew 26. As I studied the rich history and tradition of the communion ceremony, the beauty and sobriety of the practice came to the surface. When we took communion together at the end of the service, it gave it a renewed significance.
Second Service– On a Wednesday night, I offered a class to the students with a special focus on the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The men who wanted to attend were invited to stay afterwards for a time of seeking the Holy Spirit. So many men came forward, and the Lord ministered His presence in a special way. Several testimonies came in from that night of how the Lord worked in the lives of those who were hungry for His presence.
Third Service– The second Sunday that I preached in the residential chapel came from the text of John 17. As I meditated on Jesus’ prayer for Himself, His disciples, and all those who would follow them (including us), several points became clear from the text. Just the fact that John gives us a snapshot into the prayer life of Jesus is incredible. But to also hear His prayer for us is amazing. His intercession in chapter 17 continues to be answered in countless ways as we glorify the Lord, enjoy God’s love and live out the calling of His disciples today.
Outpouring of the Seekers Tent Revival- McArthur, Ohio
I was the first speaker for a series of revival meetings that involved several churches in Vinson County. A tent was setup at Calvary Assembly of God in McArthur, and the public was invited to join us for these meetings. It was a blessing to meet believers from several denominations, coming together in unity to seek the Lord. I spoke about the importance of the fire of God in our lives and our need to seek after the Lord like never before. The people were very responsive, and the Lord moved in a beautiful way in the altar time.
I’m so grateful for how the Lord continues to move as we go into various settings to preach the Gospel. Thank you to all who are praying and supporting our ministry. You are vital to this work, and we feel your prayers everywhere we go. If you would like to connect with us for prayer requests, to book a service, or to donate, you can do so right here on our website.
A heavy-hitting conference on the theme of truth.
The 24th Annual Pure Life Conference this year was both sobering and encouraging. This year’s theme was, “Truth: It will set you free and it will keep you free.” I had the privilege of taking part in several sessions, including emceeing the Pre-Conference, hosting two question and answer panel discussions, and speaking in one of the main sessions.
The Pre-Conference on Thursday was tailored toward marriages and families. Pastor Jeff and Rose Colon shared about the need for truth in our marriages. Adam and Shelly Gardner spoke from a parenting perspective. They gave a lot of practical advice about raising kids separated from the world and pursuing the things of God. The third Pre-Conference session was a Q and A with those two couples and myself. We answered questions about how to develop a godly marriage and how to raise children in a godly home despite the overarching godlessness in our culture.
The first main conference session on Friday morning was preached by Pastor Steve Gallagher, the President and Founder of Pure Life Ministries. His message was called “The Eternal Word of Truth.” He gave us an accurate depiction of the deception that is taking place in the world all around us. Then, he encouraged us to dig into the Word of God like never before. Too often, believers allow other things to become a priority over our time in the Word, but neglecting that area of our spiritual lives is certain to lead us into deception.
That afternoon, I hosted a men’s Roundtable Discussion on the topic, “Walking in the Truth in Daily Life.” Many questions came in for the panel and we were able to hear various viewpoints on how to practically live in the truth and avoid deception. The panel was made up of five Pure Life graduates including myself. It was a blessing to learn from each man’s unique perspective on how the Lord has taught them to walk in His truth since their time in the program.
My message was called, “The Truth About Deception.” In it, I shared the stories of five people from the New Testament and how they each were deceived in different ways. I spoke about Judas Iscariot and how proximity with Jesus should not be confused with intimacy. Demas provides an example of someone deceived by love for this world. Agrippa was deceived to think he had more time to make the most important decision of his life. Pontius Pilate was controlled by the fear of man. And Saul the Pharisee was blinded by his own religious effort and zeal until he encountered Jesus and came out of deception. I realized as I prepared this message that every deception from the beginning of time until now is really founded upon allegiance toward ourselves rather than God. It is when we exalt ourselves that we end up becoming deceived. And the way out is to embrace the truth and apply it humbly to our lives. To watch the full message, please check it out at the link below.
Saturday morning’s session was preached by Brother Dave Leopold, who ministers at the Faith Homes in Zion, Illinois. He shared truths about the need for us to walk in humility as believers in his message, “Jesus, God’s Truth.” His simple but compelling call to believers to live in lowliness and humility is always refreshing.
Pastor Jeff had the final session and preached a message called “Truth in the Inner Parts.” He was the President of Pure Life Ministries at the time I was in the program. He now pastors Lighthouse on the Rock Church in Dry Ridge, Kentucky and runs the Lighthouse Biblical Counseling Center. One thing that always sticks out to me about his ministry is how much he honors the authority and power of Scripture. His session called us to live in the truth of God’s Word in every area of our lives.
The conference closed with the banquet on Saturday night. There were two powerful video presentations shown. The first was the story of a couple who went through Pure Life Ministries in 2018, detailing the incredible miracle the Lord did in their lives and marriage. The second video highlighted all that Pure Life does outside of its residential program, including their phone program for men and women, overseas work with PLM Brazil, social media and publishing ministries as well as their work in prisons throughout the USA. However, the highlight of the banquet for myself and many others is when the men currently in the residential program sang in the choir. It is always moving to hear men crying out to the Lord in desperation, as well as a reminder of where I was 13 years ago. I’m so grateful for the mercy of God!
I am so thankful for how the Lord orchestrated this year’s conference, and always humbled to be asked to be a part of such a great time of ministry. For more information about Pure Life, please visit their website at: www.purelifeministries.org
God is on the move!
February and March were packed with amazing ministry opportunities. Here’s are the highlights:
Men’s Meeting, Multiply Church, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
I had the privilege of speaking for the men’s ministry at Multiply Church. Pastor TJ Wolfe brought me in as the speaker for an event called “Guys and Ribeyes.” We had a great time of fellowship, enjoyed an amazing meal together and then had a service. As I was preparing for the event, I felt that the Lord wanted me to share specifically about letting go of regret as men. So often, regrets can paralyze us and prevent us from fully stepping into our calling to be men of God. Several men came forward for prayer and shared some deep needs in their lives. I’m grateful for the work of the Holy Spirit and I believe that the Lord accomplished something special in many hearts.
Impact Men’s Conference, Lancaster, Ohio
Several churches came to together to put on a conference for men called Impact. I was one of two speakers that were invited to minister. The conference was held at New Hope Assembly of God. It was refreshing to be with a large gathering of men, willing to spend time on a Saturday seeking after the Lord in worship and hearing the Word. The worship time was rich, and we had two main sessions. Coach Dave Daubenmire with Pass the Salt Ministries shared in the first service. He gave a passionate plea for men to wake up, to realize the times we are living in, and to rise up and be the men God has called us to be in our day. I spoke in the afternoon session, sharing my testimony and speaking on the topic of purity. I asked anyone who wanted to receive Christ for the first time or rededicate their lives to Christ to stand at their seats, and several stood and prayed a prayer of repentance. We had a great time of ministry at the altars, and the Lord did what only He can do.
New Hope Assembly of God, Lancaster, Ohio
I was blessed to be given the privilege to speak at New Hope Assembly of God for their Sunday morning and evening services. As Pastor Randy Perkins and I spoke about the weekend, the Lord laid on my heart to speak on the topic of revival. On Sunday morning, I shared a message about how to kindle a fire in our churches. I spoke about the mistake many churches make in waiting on the Lord to move, rather than doing what Jesus has called us to do, and stirring up the fire of revival as we go. That evening, I spoke about the fire of God and how it is supposed to impact our lives, in ways that are sometimes painful to our flesh. In both services, the presence of the Lord was evident. Many were touched by the Holy Spirit as we ministered at the altars, and the people were very responsive. It was a great weekend in the Lord!
Pure Life Ministries Residential Chapel, Dry Ridge, Kentucky
I preached a message called “Questions and Answers” with Jesus at Pure Life Ministries’ Residential Chapel. The passage of Scripture was from Matthew 22 when Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment. I spoke about the high priority that the Scriptures place on love. At the end of the message, Pastor Steve had all of the men and the staff go outside. We expressed our brotherly love for one another verbally and with a hug. It was a powerful time and several men were really impacted by the love of Christ pouring through others. It was a great reminder of what Jesus said was the most important thing, to love God with all of our heart, soul and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
International Trip: Nicaragua
We had a phenomenal trip to Nicaragua this March. We combined a speaking ministry trip with a medical team and the results were amazing. We personally ministered to over 300 people in two impoverished communities. Many responded to the invitation to receive Christ, others were physically healed and all received attention to their physical needs. We experienced a move of the Holy Spirit in every service where I preached and we saw salvation, healing, deliverance and many lives touched by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are so grateful for our connection with missionaries Rob and Nita Wehrley, and look forward to continuing our work in that country.
For a detailed report on this trip, you can go to our article here.
Kettering Assembly of God, Kettering, Ohio
I had the great privilege of ministering at my former church, Kettering Assembly of God. Pastor Josh Plaisance invited me to speak as part of their 75 year anniversary celebration. After sharing an update on what God has done in our life and ministry over the last few years, I had a message on my heart about the need for the church to reach the lost. It was a heavy message, but the congregation was responsive. After the message, we had a time of crying out to the Lord for souls together. Then, I felt led to pray for those who wanted an increased evangelistic zeal. We prayed for several people and I believe the Lord stirred up many hearts for the harvest. Praise the Lord for a great morning.
Encounter Night, Miamisburg Assembly of God, Miamisburg, Ohio
I had the opportunity to preach for the Encounter night at my home church. These are monthly nights set apart for seeking the Holy Spirit, enjoying rich worship and hearing a Word from God. I spoke a message about the fire of God in our lives that I believe is an important word for today’s church. I encouraged the congregation to stay hungry for the Lord, and to not allow themselves to fall into a religious experience. We had a great time at the altars as people came forward to cry out to God for more of His presence in their lives.
Rehoboth Assembly of God, Dayton, Ohio
I preached two services at an International Church for African refugees in downtown Dayton. The first service was an English speaking service and the second was translated into Kinyarwanda. I love the African culture, with their zeal for worship and prayer and their exuberant dancing. Pastor Amon Kajabika asked me to come and share some of my testimony as well as preach the Word. I shared my story in both services and then preached a message about the blood of Jesus. In the second service, I gave a call for salvation/ rededication and many people responded. We also laid hands on several people for various needs in their lives. Afterwards, there were several people who shared how the service had impacted their lives. I’m so grateful for how the Lord moved that day.
What a blessing it has been to see how God has continued to pour out His Spirit each time we go out to minister. I’m humbled to be a part of the expansion of His Kingdom here in the United States as well as overseas. A special thank you to each of you who are faithfully interceding and supporting our ministry. You are a blessing to us and an integral part of this ministry.
What a powerful time of ministry we had in Nicaragua this March!
This trip was unique for me as it was the first time we took a team on a Make Way Ministries trip. I felt led by the Lord to assemble a small team of people with medical and ministry backgrounds. God provided a great group and we saw Him use our team to impact the country for His glory.
We partnered with our good friends, missionaries Rob and Nita Wehrley with Project Samuel. They continue to minister to those in great need with both physical and spiritual support. They are actively ministering to children and raising up a generation of young disciples through their children ministries and Bible League ministry. To connect with their ministry in Nicaragua, please visit their website at: Let’s Get Bold. It was a blessing to be reunited with them and also see our friends Jonathan, who translated for the services and Aaron, who did kids ministry throughout the trip.
Our team landed on Tuesday, and we spent the evening settling in and assembling food and hygiene packs for distribution. We gave away 165 packs of food containing rice, beans, salt and sugar and 200 hygiene packs containing soap, loofahs, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other items to the people in the two communities where we ministered. We also had our first set of Spanish Romans Road cards printed and we brought 500 of them with us. These proved to be very helpful in sharing the Gospel and we got them into the hands of hundreds of people in the country.
Wednesday- Thursday: The Valley of the Volcano
We spent two days ministering to the people in an area called the Valley of the Volcano. It has that name because it sits at the base of an active volcano in Masaya. This particular town is built alongside a landfill, so that people can work throughout the day to gather anything valuable they can find to recycle for money. Our outreaches during the day proved to be very well received.
We teamed up with the local church in the community under the leadership of Pastor Jose. In the Valley, we had around 150 people come to be checked out. Each person that came through had an opportunity to receive attention for their physical needs, but we also shared the Gospel with them and offered to pray for them. Many of them were noticeably touched by the Lord as we prayed. I look forward to hearing testimonies of how He healed them physically as well. We had several who prayed to receive or rededicate their lives to Christ!
During our outreaches, we had children’s ministry meetings also taking place for the kids in the community. It was a blessing to see the kids having such a great time learning about God, worshipping and playing games. Our team also had the opportunity to bring water and sandwiches to those working in the landfill each day. It is hard to imagine working all day in the heat of the Nicaraguan sun, searching for whatever you can find to try to make a living for your family. The people were very grateful for the small gesture of love. For those who had so little, the joy they had in their hearts and the love they had for people was such a blessing to experience.
On the first night, we held an outdoor evangelistic meeting in that community. We were told that there were people in the town who practiced witchcraft, and several told us personally how they were under a curse. Our team could feel the spiritual tension in the air. The worship leader that night began to declare the name of Jesus over the community, and you could feel the atmosphere shift. Two people manifested demons that night and received prayer for deliverance. I preached a simple message, and the Lord anointed it powerfully. I shared about healing, deliverance and salvation. Several people responded to the call for salvation at the end. Our team ministered to many who came forward for prayer. I went into the crowd with one of our interpreters, named Gustavo, and we shared Jesus with several people. One group of three young men in particular stand out in my mind. They heard the message but told us, “We will give our lives to Christ at a later time.” We encouraged them that there may not be more time and asked them to take a Romans Road card and pray about it. I thank the Lord for the opportunity to sow seeds of the Gospel.
Thursday Evening: Rock of Salvation Church in Ticuantepe
It was such a blessing to reconnect with Pastor Ernan, who I met on my first trip to Nicaragua last year. He is the leader of a network of churches, and this was my first time preaching at his home church. I spoke a message about the fire of God and our need for His presence and glory in our lives. Many people came forward to seek the Lord, and we had a powerful time of altar ministry. One girl around seven years old came forward with her mother. They both cried out to the Lord with tears streaming down their faces. To see this young girl so sincerely desperate for God touched my heart in a profound way. It was a great night!
Afterwards, I asked Pastor Ernan if he would be willing to share some of the lessons that he has learned about spiritual warfare. He shared with our team three specific encounters that he had with the demonic in his ministry as well as the principles that he learned about spiritual warfare from each experience. It was such a rich time of training for our team, and it led to many conversations throughout the trip.
Friday: Granada
On Friday, our team had a chance to go to the oldest city in Nicaragua, called Granada. I took advantage of this time to share the Gospel with several people. At one point, I looked around at hundreds of people in the crowd and prayed, “Holy Spirit. If you want us to talk to someone specific, please let us bump into them in some way.” Within about two minutes, a man came up to me and Gustavo and introduced himself. We shared the Gospel with him and prayed with him. It was an almost immediate answer to prayer, and I was reminded of the importance of asking God for divine encounters. The Holy Spirit is so willing to help us reach people for Jesus if we will just make ourselves available.
Saturday: Project Samuel and Ticuantepe
On Saturday, we were a part of a childrens program for the kids in the neighborhood of Project Samuel. They had so much fun playing the games and acting out the story of the walls of Jericho. That evening, we traveled to Ticuantepe and I was asked to speak at a gathering of several churches from Pastor Ernan’s network. The worship was amazing, and I spoke about the need for the church to reach the world with the Gospel. Afterwards, we prayed for many who felt a specific call to be an evangelist. We then prayed for many who needed a touch from the Lord. It was a special time as the Lord moved in the room in a tangible way.
Sunday: Two Church Services
On Sunday morning, we were invited to Mount Horeb Church by Pastor Yasir. The people were warm and welcoming. After a time of worship, I shared a message about not allowing the enemy to put the fire of God in our hearts out. The people were very responsive. We prayed for many at the altars and the Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way. Pastor Yasir asked if we would anoint and lay hands on his leadership team. The Lord touched them and I believe that what God stirred up that morning will continue on.
That evening, we travelled to an area outside of Managua to a church that I spoke at on my first trip. It was a blessing to be reunited with Pastor Oskar and Pastor Henry. This year, they set up an outdoor evangelistic meeting outside the church. We had a great time of worship and afterwards I shared a message highlighting Jesus’ ability to deliver people from bondage, heal their bodies and save their souls. One young lady came forward at the altar to give her life to Jesus. She was pregnant and I’m grateful for how the Lord will touch generations in her family through this mother’s faith. Another elderly man came forward to rededicate his life to Christ. He had a lot of pain in his knees, and after praying for him, the pain had decreased exponentially. We prayed for several others for their needs as well. They had the children from the church come up front and our team prayed for them. It was a beautiful moment, and we could see how the Lord is raising up a generation of young people on fire for Him. The Lord ministered to many that night.
Monday-Tuesday: Los Altos
We spent Monday and Tuesday in a town called Los Altos. Pastor Noel pastors a church there, and they opened their building for us to host two outreach days to minister to those in need. Between the two days, we saw over 150 people. Several came to the Lord, and on the second day, several were physically healed as we prayed. One young lady who had pain in her thigh said that heat came into her leg when we prayed and all the pain left. Another was healed of back pain and a man with knee pain was also touched. Many others we prayed for had ailments that were not possible to know if there was an immediate touch from God, but we believe in faith that many others experienced miracles that day.
On both Monday and Tuesday nights, we held outdoor street meetings in Los Altos. We set up the meeting right on the street in a residential community. The first night, I spoke from the Gospels and gave a call for salvation. Several came forward to pray to receive Christ. We then began to pray for people who were in need. When we prayed for one gentlemen, something didn’t feel right in my spirit. I asked the translator to find out what the man needed from the Lord. He shared that he had stomach pain and had gone to a local witch seeking healing. I asked if he was ready to renounce that tie to witchcraft and he responded that he was. As we prayed, a demonic spirit began to manifest, and as we took authority over it, the man began to vomit blood and it left him. He will receive further ministry from the church there. Praise the Lord for His delivering power!
There was a man standing outside his home listening to the message and I felt drawn to speak with him. We asked him if he was a believer, and he said he was not but that he was ready to become one. We prayed with him and he asked us to pray with his wife as well. She was not ready to receive Christ, but she sat through the whole message the second night. I believe the Lord is going to touch her heart and transform that family. We left a Romans Road card with them and the husband was reading through it intently as we were packing up after the meeting.
On Tuesday night, I preached a message about the blood of Jesus. When I gave the altar call, no one responded at first. However, after a few moments a man came forward, followed by a couple of women. Then several children came forward. As I led them in a prayer of repentance, the children prayed out loud sincerely. It so touched my heart. I realized that this was a moment that many of them would remember as they responded to the Lord and He washed their sins clean. Pastor Noel expressed his deep gratitude to our team for coming and ministering to so many in his community. He was grateful that we not only ministered to the physical needs of people, but also the spiritual needs.
Final Thoughts
The overall theme of this trip was definitely 1 John 4:4: “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” We were constantly aware that the enemy was not happy that we were doing what we were doing. However, in the midst of the warfare, we saw time after time how prayer was effective in pulling down strongholds. Many of our prayers were answered almost instantaneously by the Lord. In one instance, we were in a customs line and it seemed the clerk was giving people a hard time. We prayed as a group and within seconds, a security guard waved us over to another line. We saw God move in this way all throughout the trip, and we were so encouraged at the power of prayer.
I was also reminded of what an encouragement it is to the church in other nations when we come to pour ourselves out in their country. Several of the pastors expressed heartfelt gratitude for the fact that we would bring a team to bless them. However, we left feeling that they poured more into us than we gave to them!
So many lives were touched on the trip through the ministry, only Heaven knows the true impact. But we were so blessed to see many people touched right before our eyes. I am so grateful to the Lord for how He moved. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for praying with us along the way!
If you would like to donate toward our International Ministry to help make trips like this happen, you can do that by clicking here. Just select the “International Ministry” fund and all of those donations will go directly to our overseas work.
I shot a seven-part vlog of updates throughout the trip, including many of the testimonies of what the Lord did and video clips of the prayer/ worship in the services. You can watch it here:
A Fruitful Month of Ministry!
January was a flurry of activity, as the Lord opened so many doors for our ministry. I am so grateful for the way that the Holy Spirit moved in every event. Here’s are the highlights:
Risen Church, Dayton, Ohio
I was invited to preach on Sunday, January 7, at Risen Church in Dayton, Ohio. Pastors Paul and Ann Simpson have a great congregation there. They have a real heart for the community and offer meals after services for those in the neighborhood who could use some extra help. That morning, I spoke about how the experience of Pentecost was never meant to be a one-time event for the church, but an ongoing lifestyle. Several responded to a call for salvation and I had the opportunity to pray for several at the altars for a fresh touch from the Lord. It was a blessing to be a part of what God is doing at Risen Church!
Real Life Church, Charlotte, Michigan
I traveled to Michigan to speak at two churches on the weekend of January 14th. On Sunday morning, I was blessed with the opportunity to minister with Pastors Andy and Emily Shaver at Real Life Church. Their church has a heart for their city and during the service, a team of several intercessors shared about their prayer strategy for the local schools. It was great to hear about the impact they are making in their community. We had a great time of worship and I spoke about maintaining our intimacy with the Lord despite the spiritual atmosphere all around us that wants to choke it out. Several responded during the altar time, asking the Lord to keep their fire burning. It was a special time with these precious believers.
Journey Life Church, Holt, Michigan
That evening, I spoke at Journey Life Church in Holt, Michigan. They invited me to come to their monthly Saturate Revival Night service. The church sets this time aside for seeking the Lord and allowing the Holy Spirit to move freely. There was a sweet presence of the Holy Spirit all night and I could sense the hunger of the people. I shared from the book of I Kings about the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel. I used it to share about what happens when the glory of God enters our lives and situations. Afterwards, we prayed for many people. One young man received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with tears streaming down his face. I also received a testimony from one of the church members that a woman had a vision at the altar that had a significant impact in her life. Praise the Lord for what He is doing!
Pure Life Ministries Residential Chapel, Dry Ridge, Kentucky
Sunday morning, January 21, I traveled down to Pure Life Ministries to minister in their Residential Chapel service. We are continuing to preach through the Life of Christ Series, and my passage was about the cleansing of the Temple and the cursing of the fig tree. As I studied these two passages, the connection between what Jesus was doing in the Gospels and the Old Testament passages about Israel became apparent. I also discovered how the cursing and the cleansing were two prophetic acts linked to each other. The Lord ministered to the hearts of the men that morning, and it was a great time of ministry.
Minister’s Retreat, Sandusky, Ohio
From there, we headed up to Sandusky, Ohio to take part in the Minister’s Retreat for the Ohio Ministry Network. This is an annual gathering for all of the Assembly of God ministers and their families in the state. Through a series of Holy Spirit connections, I was invited to speak this year at the retreat. I was both humbled and honored to do so. What is even more amazing is that the other speaker, Pastor Greg Mundis, was the one who had to call me back in 2010 to ask me to resign from my position as a Missionary Associate due to my sin. Talk about an amazing act of restoration on the Lord’s part. He continues to bring things in my life full circle, and I’m so grateful for His work.
I had a chance to speak to many pastors at a luncheon for evangelism training. I provided encouragement and practical resources about how to ignite evangelism in their local churches. The feedback was great and one young man reached out to me and shared how he and his wife had already begun to step out in faith to share Jesus in the community in a new way.
Tuesday evening was the session where I was asked to share my story. Having an opportunity to speak to ministers is special because I’m able to share some of the difficult lessons that I have learned in ministry, to hopefully prevent others from having to learn them the hard way. I shared my story in detail, highlighting my journey as a minister specifically. I then shared several points about what I have learned through my story. We had an altar time and many came forward to respond to the Lord for various reasons. I believe the Lord is already using it in the lives of many to help some come into the light and others to be encouraged to press forward in their ministries.
East Dayton Christian School Chapels
That Thursday morning, I had the opportunity to preach at East Dayton Christian School for their middle and high school chapels. I felt at the last minute that I was supposed to change my plan and share about the work of the Holy Spirit and the need for students to learn to walk with Him. The Holy Spirit moved in a special way in both services. In the middle school chapel, many young people went to the altar and others students went forward to pray with one another. At one point, I got down on my knees to pray at my seat, and several students came to pray for me. I felt the presence of God in a tangible way and I was so encouraged by the faith and passion of the young people. God is raising up a generation of young people on fire!
The Covering Womens Ministry Special Services
We had three nights of special services for The Covering Womens Residential Program on January 25-27. I sit on the Board for their ministry and I love how the leadership makes room for the Lord to move. Each night, God did something special for all in attendance. The theme of the services was, “Called Out of Darkness to Shine.” The first night, I spoke on how the Lord helps us to break out of the darkness in our lives. I talked about Jesus’ interaction with the man possessed by demons in Luke 8 and the woman caught in adultery in John 8. Several responded to a call to rededicate their lives to Christ and we had a time of ministry for those who wanted freedom in areas of their lives.
On the second night, I spoke about how we are called to walk through the darkness as Christians. I gave a strong call to holiness. At the end, I felt led to invite people to pray for the American church as a whole. Several came forward and offered passionate prayers for the Lord to help the Body of Christ to see our need for Jesus and to reject the things of the world.
The third night, I spoke about shining in the darkness. As believers, we are called to bring the light of Christ to the world around us. I spoke about how we can do that by sharing our story, participating in evangelism and doing good works. At the end, we prayed for a fresh touch and several were ministered to in a special way. One young man was baptized in the Holy Spirit and a woman was touched by God and later testified that that was the first time she had been able to cry in a year and a half! I’m so grateful for the way He moved among us during those special meetings.
What an incredible month we had! God has been so faithful to move in the way that He wants. Souls are being rescued out of darkness and Christians are being set on fire. I’m so excited to see what God is doing. Please continue to pray for us. We cannot do what God has called us to without the faithful intercession of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
If you would like to sow financially into our ministry, please go to our Donate Page or you can mail a check made out to Make Way Ministries to:
Make Way Ministries, PO Box 292914, Kettering, OH 45429
Thank you for your prayers and financial support. We pray the Lord will bless you richly!
The fire of God fell in Brazil!
I set foot in Brazil for my second time this year and God showed up in a powerful way. Each time I go back to a country, my awareness of the culture and spiritual atmosphere grows. Relationships are also strengthened and these elements help to make ministry more effective and fruitful. This trip definitely built upon the last, and the favor God has given Make Way Ministries in the country is very evident. This year, PLM Brazil made the decision to publish my book, Pile of Masks, in Portuguese. We made the book available throughout the trip and many people purchased copies, with the proceeds going to help PLM Brazil. It is humbling to have the book getting into the hands of many people throughout the country. Several people shared with me that the church in Brazil needs to address the issue of hypocrisy, so the message of my book was timely and warmly welcomed.
Brasilia- First Sunday Morning and Evening
After nearly twenty-four hours of travel, I arrived in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, on Saturday night. The next morning would be the start of twelve days of preaching and traveling. On Sunday morning, I was invited to preach at Pastor Airton’s Church called ICCR in Brasilia. I spoke there last year, and it was a blessing to come back and have a chance to minister this year as well. The Lord put a message on my heart from Matthew 24 and 25, about being prepared for the return of Christ. I shared from three parables and spoke about how a lifestyle of preparation should impact our priorities. It was a great time together and we were all challenged by the Word. It was a blessing to fellowship with the precious believers of ICCR.
That evening, I spoke at Igreja Famílias Benditas in a neighborhood called Vincente Pires. This was my first time ministering at this church. Pastor Eronaldo and his wife are passionate people and they are pastoring a church made up of mostly young families. Our service that night was powerful, as the Lord gave me several prophetic words before I ministered and many people were touched even before the sermon. I shared a message about reaching out to the world with the Gospel. Our altar ministry was filled with the presence of God. Many lives were touched, and many children and young people were hungry for a touch from the Lord. One young boy in particular really touched my heart. We wept together as I prayed for him. Afterwards, he told me through the translator that he couldn’t put into words how special it was to him that I would come and what the Lord was doing in his life that night.
Caldas Novas- Monday and Tuesday
Monday morning, Paulo, the Director for Pure Life Ministries Brazil, and I traveled to a city about four hours from Brasilia called Caldas Novas. I spoke at an Assemblies of God church on my last trip, and they had us back for a two-day conference. It was a rich blessing to see so many people I had connected with last year, and we had a wonderful time of fellowship after each service. Both of the services were powerfully anointed by the Holy Spirit. On Monday night, I spoke from the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel and shared about how the presence of the Lord is like a fire in our hearts. We sought the Lord for His presence at the end of the message and had a move of the Spirit as people passionately pursued Him.
On Tuesday night, I shared about developing a lifestyle of evangelism. Before the worship, I felt the Lord give me a word for a mother who had an estranged relationship with her daughter. Out of several hundred people in the service, one woman raised her hand to acknowledge that it was her. I shared what the Lord had put on my heart and we prayed with her. She fell to her knees weeping under the power of God. It was so special for the Lord to speak to one of His daughters and call her out from the crowd. A couple of people responded to an altar call for salvation as well, praise the Lord! After the message, we prayed for many who felt a call to missions/ evangelism. The Lord moved again, and afterwards, there were many who wanted personal ministry and prayer, so we stuck around and ministered to many who needed it.
Uberlandia- Wednesday and Thursday
From Caldas Novas, we traveled a couple of hours to another city called Uberlandia. A large Presbyterian Church called Quinta Igreja Presbiteriana de Uberlândia had invited us to do a two-day conference as well as speak at a city-wide ministers meeting. On Wednesday night, I spoke a message about King Solomon, with principles from his life that can help us avoid many of the mistakes that he made. The people were very responsive and Pastor Lucio and his wife were very gracious to us.
On Thursday morning, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of ministers from different denominations throughout the city. I shared much of my testimony and also talked about how to deal with sexual sin in the ministry, from both a personal perspective as well as a ministry perspective. One young man in particular seemed to be very affected by the message. Afterwards, my translator and I had an opportunity to speak with him, and he broke down weeping about some personal issues in his life. Because of that, he proactively sought out biblical counseling and I believe the Lord is going to do a great work in his life.
That evening, I spoke a message about the return of Christ and encouraged the people to pursue holiness, have healthy relationships, share the Gospel, serve God wholeheartedly, pursue God passionately and be prepared to suffer as needed. We took some time to seek the Lord and allow Him to speak to our hearts. There was a strong connection made between the church and PLM Brazil that I believe will open up many doors in that area of the country.
Brasilia- Friday and Saturday
On Friday evening, I was invited to speak at a National Baptist Church of Brasília. They asked me to come in and speak specifically about the topic of sexual sin. I shared my story as well as basic biblical principles of sexuality. Before the message, I felt led to give a call for salvation and several men stood in their seats to pray to surrender their lives to Christ. Afterwards, we gave a call for anyone who was personally struggling or knew someone who was and wanted to pray for them. Several responded, and by speaking with some of them after the service, it was evident that God was touching their hearts deeply.
I ministered at the Baptist Church that Paulo and his family attend on Saturday night. I spoke a message about not allowing the fire of God in our lives to be put out through distraction, compromise or neglect. There was a sweet presence of the Holy Spirit during the worship and message and the people were very grateful for the ministry. I believe God ministered to many hearts that night.
Brasilia- Sunday Morning and Evening
On Sunday, I spoke at two services in the same building. Each church was affiliated with the same denomination and their congregations share the building on Sundays for their worship services. On Sunday morning, the church had many young people and Pastor Frederico was a passionate man who had trained many of the teenagers on the worship team to play and lead worship. I felt led to pray over their worship team before the message. I spoke about the story of Achan and gave a warning about what can happen if we hide our sin from others. It was a blessing to be with these believers.
On Sunday evening, I returned to the church to speak in Pastor Atila’s church. During worship, the Lord redirected my message and I ended up sharing about what happens when the fire of God falls in our lives. We had a powerful time of ministry after the message and the leadership of the church laid hands on me and prayed. I experienced the Lord’s presence in a special way, and I’m grateful for how the Holy Spirit ministered to their congregation.
After the service, we went to pick up my wife, Brittany, who had flown into the country to spend the final week with me in ministry. The Lord opened up some doors for us to minister together, and it was a blessing to have her there with me.
Brasilia- Monday and Tuesday
A church called Dokimos in a local area called Gama invited us to do a two-day conference on Purity of Heart. They asked me to speak on the themes of repentance and holiness. The church was filled with many young families. After a rich time of worship, I spoke Monday night on the beauty of repentance. I shared some basic principles about repentance and closed with the stories of the rich, young ruler and Zaccheus. When we had a time for people to seek the Lord, many came forward to be prayed for, crying out to the Lord. One couple in particular shared about a significant breakthrough they had experienced that night. They said that they believed the Lord had orchestrated the trip just for them!
On Tuesday evening, we returned to Dokimos Church and I spoke about the world system and why we need to be separated from it as believers. It was a tense atmosphere, which is typical when I share these kinds of messages. At the close of the service, I thought about giving a salvation call, but I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to. After praying for the people, Pastor Luis came up and gave a call for salvation, and several responded. I was so grateful that the Holy Spirit had laid the same feeling on his heart. Our two evenings at this church were a real blessing and the Lord was faithful to move. In the final service, the pastor and leadership team had Brittany and I come on stage to pray over our family and ministry. It was a special time being ministered to.
Brasilia- Wednesday and Thursday
On Wednesday evening, I had the opportunity to be a part of a podcast for a church in the city. I was interviewed on the topics of repentance, holiness and sexual sin. We had a rich discussion and I strongly encouraged all who might be listening and are struggling with sin in their lives to bring it into the light and reach out for help. I pray that many will get in contact with PLM Brazil who are in need. It was a great experience to be a part of the podcast and I pray many will hear its important message.
On Wednesday night, Pastor Eronaldo from Igreja Famílias Benditas invited Brittany and I to speak at his church. We shared our story together, each highlighting lessons that we have learned through our experience that we thought would be a help to the families in the church. The Holy Spirit’s presence was evident. We offered to pray with anyone who wanted prayer, and many came forward. While we were praying for one woman, a demon began to manifest, and we took authority over it and commanded it to leave. We then prayed with the woman a prayer of repentance. The Pastor’s wife took over ministering to her and she testified that the woman got free that night, praise the Lord! Many of the families wanted prayer, and we laid hands on many and prayed into the night. It was an incredible time in the Lord.
On the final night of ministry, Brittany and I were invited to share with a group of about forty people at the home of a precious family who hosted us for most of the trip. Hamilton and Vanessa lead a small group in their home, and they asked if we would share our story with them. Brittany felt that we should also conclude with a foot-washing service. We shared our testimony together and the people were touched. Then, we went out to the pool area and asked the couples to wash each other’s feet while Brittany and I washed the feet of those who were without a spouse. We prayed many prophetic prayers over people and many were deeply ministered to. As I looked around the pool, many couples were praying for one another and weeping in each other’s arms. It was a special, intimate time, and we were told that many were talking about it the day afterwards.
Final Thoughts
Trips like these are both incredibly exciting and very exhausting. Preparation before the trip can be extensive, and the hardest part is that many of the places I go, I have never been to, so I am preparing for a service in a culture and denomination that I am unfamiliar with. This usually leads to feeling unsure and inadequate going into the trip.
But then, when I step foot in the land, and begin to see God moving, I realize how much of the second-guessing and insecurity is really just spiritual warfare. I am so amazed at how the Lord continues to open doors, anoint the ministry and change lives as we go out to minister. As is typical of my ministry, I was able to speak to multiple denominations and church cultures. I so appreciate the diversity of the Body of Christ. This trip was also special because it provided a couple of opportunities for me to minister alongside Brittany. The Lord has given her a lot of wisdom and the women were very grateful to have a chance to hear her speak as well.
Brazil is a special country, with a diverse culture and its own unique spiritual challenges. However, the same Holy Spirit who moves in other places is alive and well in Brazil, and He is doing a great work in the hearts and lives of those who are open to Him. I was so humbled and grateful to play a part in what He is doing in this wonderful nation.
Thank you to each of you who prayed for the trip as well as financially support Make Way Ministries. Trips like this do not happen without the prayer and financial support of people who give their time and money sacrificially so that lives can be touched around the world. To make a tax-deductible gift to Make Way Ministries to help us reach the nations for Christ, you can go to our Donate page.
I shot a nine-part Vlog of the trip describing what the Lord was doing each day and it also contains footage from the services. You can watch the first Vlog here:
Practical Instruction on Living Evangelistically!
I teamed up with three other evangelists to put on our first Practical Power Conference, held at Miamisburg Assembly of God in Ohio. This was an evangelism training event, and our heart was to equip and empower the church to step out in faith and share the Gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit. Many people came out to hear more about Holy Spirit-led evangelism and how they can implement it into their lives. We brought Evangelist Brandon Duke to lead worship, and we had several intimate times of seeking the Lord together under his anointed leadership.
I taught the first session. I shared some of my own evangelism story and gave many principles that I have learned over the years that have assisted in developing an evangelistic lifestyle. I wanted to give some practical teaching that can apply to believers in their everyday lives. I shared many stories of what I have seen the Lord do in my life. We took time to pray for an increased burden for the lost in our lives and also paired up with a partner to share a simple presentation of the Gospel with each other. It was great to see people putting into practice the sharing of the Gospel, so that they can feel more confident in doing it outside the church walls.
Evangelist Ryan Young taught the second session on healing. He shared some practical principles about how to pray for the healing of those you encounter in life. He shared some amazing testimonies of how the Lord has used healing to reach people in his life, just like He did when He walked the earth in the Gospels. We were encouraged to step out in faith and boldness and lay hands on the sick, believing them to recover. We had time to pray for one another at the altars, and many people were touched by the Lord.
The final session was taught by Evangelist Ethan Robison. His topic was about hearing the voice of God. He shared about the simplicity of hearing God’s voice and communicating that to people in our lives. He told some incredible testimonies of how the Lord has used him in this area to reach out to people in their time of need. We than had opportunity to practice this, teaming up with another person, praying and asking God for insight, and sharing that insight with our prayer partner.
Throughout the day, we gave people opportunities to not only sit under teaching, but put into practice what they were taught. This was a unique dynamic of this conference that we really wanted to emphasize. I believe the church should be the training ground for Christians to be equipped and empowered, and then sent out into the world to be Jesus.
The event was a success, and I’m so grateful for all the feedback we received. God really stirred our hearts and I believe there will be a harvest of souls from what the Lord accomplished at the Practical Power Conference.
Men are Rising Up!
I was blessed to be invited to speak for a Men’s Conference at Connection Pointe Church of God in Grove City, Ohio. The conference theme was “Kingdom Manhood.” The Lord put three specific messages on my heart to share with the men. The first two were from the life of the Apostle Paul. I shared about his example of a Kingdom Man, who had to learn some very important lessons along his journey. The messages came from Philippians 3, where Paul said he has learned to forget what is behind and press on toward what lies ahead. On Friday evening, I talked about how Paul had a lot of things in his past he had to overcome, coming from the background of a murderous Pharisee against the church. I encouraged the men to leave the past behind them and not allow guilt and shame to keep them from becoming the men God created them to be. We had a time of response and the Lord moved. The second message from Paul’s life I shared on Saturday morning, about pressing on toward what is ahead. Like Paul, God desires we live a life of intimacy, power and anointing. I encouraged the men to believe God for more of Him presence in their lives, so that they can be used mightily in God’s Kingdom.
The final message I shared was from the life of Nehemiah. He was a man who rose up to his calling when God asked Him to do something for His Kingdom. At the expense of his own life and comfort, Nehemiah oversaw the rebuilding of the wall, despite intense opposition. I gave several principles from his story about how we can also become the men of the hour that God is looking for in our day. At the end, we laid hands on the men and prayed for God’s blessing to be evident in their lives as they become the Kingdom Men God is calling them to become.
I’m always grateful for any opportunity I have to minister to men, because I believe the Lord desires to do something substantial in the lives of men in the church today. We need men to step up into their role in their homes, churches and society. Praise the Lord for what He accomplished at the Connection Pointe Mens Conference, as men came together to seek His face!
A great weekend in God’s presence under the tent!
I was so blessed to have a chance to minister in Harbor Beach, Michigan for a series of tent meetings. The Lead Pastor of Lighthouse Assembly of God is Brian Thomas and his wife, Colleen. Brittany and I served with them on the mission field many years ago. His church has a desire to make an impact in their town, which is right alongside beautiful Lake Huron. They decided to purchase a tent and hold a series of revival-style meetings at a local park. Pastor Brian invited me to come and preach three of the services under the tent.
In addition to the services, the church put on a recreational program for children the week leading up to the tent meetings. Many children came out to do crafts, play sports and hear a Bible story. We had the opportunity to be a part of one of those days, and it was a blast to see the kids having such a great time. Many of the children who came out did not go to the church, so Lighthouse was able to connect with their families.
After dinner before the first service on Friday night, I decided to walk across the street to a gas station to buy some cough drops. There was a man in the station that stood out to me, but I made my purchase and began to head back across the street. This man was in his car at the gas pump, and I felt the Holy Spirit directing me to go back and speak with him. I introduced myself and shared a little of my testimony. He opened up to me and shared some of his story and told me he was a Muslim. I asked if I could pray with him, and he was very receptive, and said it was ok if I prayed in Jesus’ name. It was definitely a divine encounter. I’m not sure what the Lord was doing in this man’s life, but I was glad that I was obedient to His leading.
Something unique about this trip was that I had recently purchased an acoustic guitar after not playing for three years. Each night that I preached, I sang a song with my daughters. To minister together as a family was a special blessing. That first night, I spoke a message about the power of Jesus’ blood. When I gave the invitation, a few hands went up of people wanting to pray to receive Christ or rededicate their lives to Him. Praise the Lord! Brian shared with us the next day that their ten year old grandson, who was visiting from out of town, was very different the next day. When they asked him what had changed, he told them that he had prayed to receive Christ the night before. It was such a privilege to watch Brian and Colleen baptize their grandson in water that Sunday morning in the lake.
On Saturday, the church put on a kids carnival at the tent, with inflatables, cotton candy, popcorn and all kinds of games. Many from the community came out to take part in it. That night, we had our second service and I spoke about keeping the fire of God alive in our hearts. At the altar time, many came forward to cry out to the Lord for a fresh love and passion for Him and His kingdom. There was a sweet presence of the Lord that night.
Sunday morning, Pastor Brian shared a message about water baptism. We had a great time of worship and afterwards, a few people were water baptized. Water baptisms are one of my favorite things to watch. Seeing a believer who wants to make a public declaration of their faith going under the water, symbolic of dying to their sin, and being raised up into new life, is such a powerful experience.
That evening we had our final service together. I shared a message that the Lord had laid on my heart about developing a lifestyle of Pentecost. I shared about the purpose behind the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, beyond just speaking in tongues. It was meant to give us the power to witness and was not meant to be contained within the four walls of the church. Several came forward to pray and seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit and at least two people spoke in tongues that night. Others came forward to be prayed for that the Lord would stir up their hearts for more of the Holy Spirit.
It was a blessing to reconnect with the Thomas family, as well as meet so many precious believers from their church. I’m excited to see how the Lord works at Lighthouse AG as they continue to get outside the four walls and connect with the community. We stayed in the home of a precious family and their backyard was right against Lake Huron. I told them that of all the places that I’ve prayer walked around the world, that was one of the most beautiful and peaceful places to meet with God.
I’m so grateful for what the Lord accomplished in Michigan this July! A special thank you to everyone who is praying and supporting Make Way Ministries. Lives are being touched through your prayers and financial giving. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to our ministry, please visit our Donate Page.
A Great Time of Ministry in Europe!
My fourth trip to the Netherlands was a fruitful one. I’m so grateful for the connection that the Lord has made between Make Way Ministries and several ministries in that country. The Netherlands has an interesting culture, with a rich Christian heritage and significance in world history. As I’ve traveled there over the years, it has become more clear to me how Satan has used both worldliness and religion to keep many Dutch people in bondage. On the one hand, you have about fifty percent of the country who claim to be atheists or agnostics today. The lure of sex and drugs brings people from around the world to Amsterdam, where prostitution is not only legal, but considered one of many other career choices a person can make. I was told by a pastor that other cities in the country are now starting similar “red light district” areas and that prostitutes have even unionized. The sensuous culture and worldly influence has created an atmosphere for the enemy to seduce people away from the faith.
On the other hand, there is a deeply religious half of the country that trace their Christian heritage back to the time of the Protestant Reformation. Theology is held in very high regard among the Christians in the Netherlands, and unfortunately, an intense dedication to the teachings of John Calvin have left many people in a religious rut. Being taught that salvation is something that we can do nothing to obtain and a very strong emphasis on God’s sovereignty keeps people from engaging with simple aspects of true faith including repentance and believing in Jesus for salvation. Because of this, many young people in those churches live in open sin, with the belief that if God is going to select them to be saved, it will happen without any effort on their part. It’s interesting to see how truth can be distorted just enough that it can bring great deception into the lives of people. Many of the born-again believers that I have met over the years had grown up in these churches that they refer to as “hypercalvinist.” Some have left those churches for other churches with a more evangelical message. Others have chosen to stay in the traditional churches in hopes of being a testimony to the people there. Thank God that He can get a hold of someone’s heart who his open to Him!
The First Sunday Service
I made it to the Netherlands safely after two flights and reconnected with many of my friends and ministry partners after a year and a half. The next morning, I preached in a church for the first time in the town of Ermelo. They have a vibrant community of young families who prioritize relationships with one another. Each week, they take communion together, worship, eat a meal and then fellowship at each other’s homes into the afternoon. The church has a policy that if their attendance grows close to 100 people, they will split off, as they do not want to grow too large to keep their intimacy. They already started a sister church for this reason. I spoke from Matthew 12 about Jesus’ clash with the Pharisees over the issue of the Sabbath and talked about the difference between religion and relationship. I had a chance to go to the elder’s home and have a great time of fellowship with many of the believers. It was a blessing to connect with many of the students from my previous trips to the Netherlands, some even from my first trip in 2017. It was humbling to hear how many of them could still remember some of the things I taught and they shared how it had impacted their lives, glory to God!
Teaching at the Gospel Mission Bible School
The next day, I began teaching a series of six lessons with the Gospel Mission Bible School students. These lessons took place Monday-Wednesday for three hours in the morning. My previous trips have all been in November, so this trip was unique in that I was teaching on the final week of their school year. At the end of the week, they would all pack up after a year of study and head to other parts of the Netherlands and some even in other countries to serve the Lord. To hear their zeal for the Gospel and willingness to sacrifice to serve the Lord was very encouraging. The weeks’ lessons were all based on the topic of “Principles for the Worker in God’s Vineyard.” I taught on the fear of man, finances, loving the people you serve, pride and humility, prayer and fasting and several other topics. The students were hungry to learn and had some very thoughtful questions and comments. It was a blessing to get to know them, just before they launched out into their own ministry assignments.
Men’s Night with Heart for the Family
On Tuesday evening, I was invited by Job, the leader of a ministry called Heart for the Family, to speak to a group of men on the topic, “Men, Rise Up!” I’ve worked with their ministry several times in the past, and I so appreciate Job’s heart to provide quality ministry to families in the Netherlands. We traveled to a town called Krimpen aan den IJssel. After a time of food, prayer and fellowship at the home of some friends, we headed to the meeting. Gideon was my translator for the night, and he did a great job. Quite a few men came out, some I’ve met in the past, and others I met for the first time. I shared twelve principles from the story of Nehemiah that reveal how men can rise up to their calling from the Lord to be the men He created them to be. The men were very responsive and our time of small group discussion after the message showed their desire to apply the principles to their own lives. It was a great night of ministry and we left encouraged that the Lord had spoken to many hearts.
Church Service in Westkapelle
The following evening I left with Arjan, the leader of HeartCry Ministries. I met Arjan on my first trip to the Netherlands and God has used him in a great way to foster of movement of young people in the country with a desire to know and serve the Lord. We travelled to Westkapelle, a beautiful town right on the ocean in south Holland with an evangelist friend of ours named Arthur. Before the service, we had time to pray along the ocean and have some food and fellowship. We had the opportunity to share the Gospel with a young man in an ice cream shop. He was clearly searching for meaning in his life, and we had a chance to share testimony and talk about what Jesus had done in our lives. He allowed us to pray with him and we asked the Lord to reveal Himself in a tangible way to the young man.
We then went to a church in the nearby neighborhood, where I spoke on the life of Solomon. I shared about his life and how he had so much potential in the Lord, being blessed with such wisdom and influence, and yet he used it for personal gain and his life ended on a downward spiral. I warned the people to make sure that we all stay true to the Lord, obeying the Word, keeping our passions in check and submitting our wills to His. It was a great service and a blessing to meet Pastor Jochem, who translated me, as well as his congregation.
Amsterdam23 Conference
The next morning, I took a train to Amsterdam to attend the Amsterdam23 conference. A couple of months ago, I connected with the lead evangelist of our denomination, and he mentioned that there would be a big evangelistic conference in Amsterdam in June. It just happened to be on the week that I was already in the Netherlands, so I felt that the Lord was wanting me to attend. Thursday was the only day I had free, so I went to the conference all that day. It was an amazing experience. Thousands of believers from 80 countries had come together to discuss how we can reach the world with the Gospel. There were some big services, breakout sessions and collaborative group discussions on the topic of evangelism. I was able to connect with many people and was so encouraged in my own life and ministry. To be able to meet people from all different countries, with one important focus, was a beautiful experience. I had a difficult time finding the series of trains to get back to the Bible School, but the Lord had me bump into a man named Wim, who guided me through the train stations as well as drove me back to the Bible School that night. The entire time, we were sharing testimonies with each other. He had an amazing testimony of how the Lord had saved him, and so many stories of the Lord’s provision and guidance throughout his life. It was certainly a divine connection, and I was very grateful to have met him.
The Filadelfia Bible School Conference
The final weekend of the trip, we had a conference for the Filadelfia Bible School students. I spoke three messages on the topic of Discipleship. There were about 80 students in attendance, and we had a wonderful weekend together. My good friend and the leader of the school, Leander, translated me for the messages. It is always a rich blessing to minister together, and have deep conversations about our hearts throughout the trip. My messages were on the Call, the Work and the Heart of the Disciple. I really enjoyed speaking on what it means to truly follow Jesus as well as give practical instruction on how to develop an evangelistic lifestyle. Throughout the weekend, I had a chance to talk one-on-one with many people. Whenever I share my testimony, it is not uncommon for a man to pull me aside for ministry because he is struggling with sexual sin in his life. I had several of those discussions that weekend and I believe that the Lord really ministered to many. One young man in particular had a huge breakthrough in his spiritual life during the conference. God is so good! We had some time for fellowship as well as an afternoon to play sports, and I ended up playing volleyball for a couple of hours, which was a lot of fun.
My final message on the heart was one that I had struggled with the whole time I was preparing for the trip. I wanted to share from the Sermon on the Mount, but I couldn’t seem to really nail down what the Lord wanted me to say. After delivering the message, we opened up a time for responding to the Lord, and several were deeply moved, kneeling down, praying and weeping before the Lord. I was grateful that the Lord used the message despite my own insecurities and being unsure about the message.
The Last Sunday Services
My final day of ministry was Sunday. Due to the Filadelfia conference continuing on that day, I wasn’t able to go with anyone into the city of Rotterdam. I borrowed a car and had to trust the Lord to get me where I needed to go. I first traveled to a Romanian congregation, led by a friend of mine named Chris. His wife is from Romania, and they started a church for people in the area who speak the Romanian language. This was the second time I had spoken at their church. I shared a message about making sure our intimacy with the Lord is kept the top priority in our lives. It was a blessing to be with them, and I always love hearing worship and prayer to the Lord in other languages.
After the service, I met with Pastor Hugo and his wife Ilse, the pastors of ACR Rotterdam Pentecostal church. I speak at their church every time I go to the Netherlands, but this was the first time we were able to spend some time together for fellowship. It was a rich time of conversation, as we spoke about ministry challenges as well as getting to know one another on more personal level. We spent the afternoon together, and I preached that night about keeping the fire of God burning in our lives. The people were very responsive. I prayed for many and the Holy Spirit spoke to many of them. One lady was in need of a house, and was in a very desperate situation. Pastor Hugo reached out a few days after the trip that the Lord had provided her with a beautiful home. What a faithful God we serve!
Final Thoughts
Overall, my fourth trip to the Netherlands proved to be very fruitful for the Kingdom. I have seen how the Lord has given me the unique ability to not only cross over cultural boundaries, but also to minister across denominational boundaries. It is such a blessing to be able to have fellowship with people from all areas of the church, because I can see how each part of the Body of Christ has strengths that we can all learn from. Sometimes, we allow our differences to keep us from coming together as one. But all of us have some to offer the Body of Christ, and my prayer is that we would all take time to fellowship with believers from other backgrounds. I’m encouraged to see how the Lord is continuing to raise up young people in the Netherlands with a calling on their lives, and how He is bringing people of all ages into a saving faith. Despite the enemy’s attack on the country, God is at work, and I believe the seeds that were planted on the trip will come to harvest in God’s timing.
Thank you to each of you who prayed for the trip as well as financially support Make Way Ministries. Trips like this do not happen without the prayer and financial support of people who give their time and money sacrificially so that lives can be touched around the world. To make a tax-deductible gift to Make Way Ministries to help us reach the nations for Christ, you can go to our Donate page.
Encouraging men to be who God created them to be!
I had the great privilege of speaking to a group of men at Knoxville Baptist Church in Williamstown, Kentucky. The church is located just a short distance from Pure Life Ministries’ residential campus. I had not previously met the pastor of the church until we connected for the worship night. Pastor Steve Kellam is a wonderful man of God with a passion to see men rise up to be who God is calling them to be. He set up this men’s worship night and invited several churches to bring out their men to receive from the Lord.
We had a large group of men come out, a mixture of Pure Life students and staff, as well as pastors and men from Knoxville Baptist and other churches. I always enjoy ministering to men because I have seen first-hand what can happen when a man gets on fire for the Lord and lives out his calling. I truly believe there is a demonic attack on men in our society in an effort to keep them from fulfilling their God-given destinies. We need to be vigilant about the tactics of the enemy to keep us from living out our potential for the Lord.
I spoke a message about the heart of a man. The Bible has much to say about our hearts. A heart that is neglected can never accomplish the will of God. We need to take time to evaluate our hearts before the Lord. I spoke about several heart conditions that we are warned about from the Word of God, citing examples of biblical figures who dealt with these challenges. The men were very receptive. We had a great time of worship and prayer together. I believe the Lord did something in the lives of the men who attended the meeting. I’m grateful that the Lord is able to use much of what I have walked through to serve as a warning and a wake-up call to men in the church.
I’m grateful for men of God like Pastor Steve who is intentional about stirring the hearts of men to fulfill their purpose for the Lord. What a blessed night we had together!
Challenging the next generation to stand for God!
I was honored to have the opportunity to preach the chapel services for the middle and high school students at East Dayton Christian School in Riverside, Ohio. My wife and I are huge fans of the school and are so blessed to have our daughters attending EDCS. The schools’ commitment to educate the students from a biblical worldview is much needed in today’s culture.
I had a heavy message on my heart for the chapels. The Lord led me to speak on the faith and commitment of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the face of the fiery furnace from Daniel 3. I spoke about the reality of the two spiritual kingdoms that exist: God’s Kingdom and the kingdom of this world. I encouraged the young people to make sure they are so grounded in their faith that they too could stand before persecution and remain true to the Lord.
Our young people today are constantly getting bombarded with messages from this world that are contrary to biblical teaching. I challenged them to make a decision about whether or not they believe that the Bible is truly the Word of God. And if it is, they need to spend far more time in the Word of God, hearing His wisdom, than on social media and other entertainment, hearing the wisdom of this world.
In both chapels, I gave a call for young people who wanted to take a stand for Jesus to stand in their seats so I could pray for them. In both chapels, several stood, and we prayed for courage and resolve for each of them. I felt led to give a simple altar call for salvation or rededication in the high school chapel. Several young people raised their hands for prayer. I believe the Lord stirred the hearts of many students that day. Lord, raise up a generation of young people who won’t bow down to the ungodly culture around them!
Please keep the young people in your own family, church and communities in prayer. Pray that they will have such a deep conviction in the truth of God’s Word and the reality of His presence that they too could stand strong for Jesus in their generation!
A call to life of sobriety and intimacy with God in these end days.
Close to nine hundred people gathered at the Ark Encounter in April for Pure Life Ministries’ 23rd Annual Conference. The theme this year was “The World is Passing Away,” taken from 1 John 2:17. I’m amazed every year at how the Holy Spirit orchestrates every aspect of the conference. This was the first year that I preached the final plenary session, which gave me the opportunity to hear the other speakers share what God had put on their hearts before I preached. So much of what they shared lined up perfectly with what I planned to share. He is so faithful!
On Thursday night, I had the opportunity to emcee the Pre-Conference, which took place at Mount Olivet Church close to the Ark Encounter. Pastor Jeff and Rose Colon, leaders of the Lighthouse Church on the Rock in Dry Ridge, Kentucky, shared two messages from 2 Peter. They shared principles of growing in our faith and gave a clear call to make sure we are standing strong on the Word of God in the current culture. The final session was a Q and A with Jeff and Rose as well as Shawn and Susan Smith, which provided us with some very practical advice on marriage and parenting. It was a great beginning to the weekend.
Steve Gallagher shared the opening message on Friday morning, called “The Probationary Nature of Earth Life.” He painted a clear picture of the transitory and fallen nature of the world around us. His call to live in the secret place with God always stirs me to make sure prayer is a top priority in my life. The Lord has really used Pastor Steve’s ministry to impact my own view of a biblical concept of the world system. If you have not read his book, “Intoxicated With Babylon,” I would highly encourage it. You can watch an interview I did with him about it at this link.
Dave Leopold, from the Faith Homes in Zion, Illinois shared a message with the men called “Preparing for the Day of the Lord.” He challenged us to make sure that our eschatology is not focused on a specific timeline of end times events, but rather that we are walking in humility and intimacy with God. He said the preparedness of our hearts is of utmost importance. And he explained to us that when God calls us to live in humility, He is asking us to come down to where He already is. The lower we go, the better a revelation of the Lord we will have.
Ofer Amitai, Pastor of Pastor at El Roii Congregation in Jerusalem, spoke two messages. The first one was called “Bearing the Cross by Seeing the Christ.” He beautifully described the work of redemption that Christ made possible through His death and resurrection. He talked about the importance of dying to ourselves, but doing it with our focus on Jesus, not on our own effort. One thing that stuck out to me was when he said, “We don’t need to try harder, we need to die better.”
His second message was from Mark chapters 12-14, called “Giving Your All.” He explained that there was an intentional reason for placing the story of the widow’s mite at the end of chapter 12 and the anointing of Jesus at Bethany at the beginning of chapter 14 as bookends around Jesus’ explanation of the end times in Matthew 13. He shared that he believes that the Holy Spirit meant for us to see the importance of pouring out all for Jesus, whether we have much or little. The sacrifice of these two women is meant to be a challenge to each of us about the condition of our hearts in the end days.
The message that I shared was called, “Ready or Not,” and was actually given to me by the Lord many months before the conference. I had two specific messages on my heart back in October of last year as I prepared for a trip to Brazil. I was able to get one of them together for the trip, but the other one didn’t come together in time, although I felt compelled to preach it. I was on the balcony of Pure Life Brazil’s property, and I asked the Lord about that incomplete message. I felt Him speak to my heart, “That one is for the Pure Life Conference.” So, I spent the following months praying and preparing that message based on the Parable of the 12 Virgins for the conference.
In my message, I addressed three themes that I believe Jesus was speaking about in the parable: Preparation, Procrastination and Participation. I gave a strong call to live separate from the world system and to make practical, lifestyle-changing decisions in order to pursue holiness. At the end of the message, a burden for the American church came upon and I interceded for the Body of Christ in brokenness. The atmosphere was heavy, but the Lord touched many hearts. I had several thank me for being willing to stand up for the truth even when it is unpopular.
That night, we had the annual Alumni and Friends Banquet, and as always, the Lord touched my heart through the singing of the choir from the guys in the program. A powerful video testimony was shown of Frank Leonetti, who graduated from Pure Life over a decade ago and has had opportunities to travel the world sharing the Gospel. It is amazing to see what the Lord can do with a life that is surrendered to Him.
It was a blessing to see so many friends and to worship the Lord and be challenged by His Word together. The conference is always preceded and proceeded with spiritual warfare, but the Lord is faithful to bring us through. One man at the conference said he would pray for me because I was “attacking the enemy’s territory.” When the enemy comes to try to interfere with what God is doing, it is confirmation that I’m on the right path. I so appreciate all who are interceding for Make Way Ministries as we continue to walk through the doors that the Lord opens. Your prayers are more valuable that you could ever know.
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